vet approved
zero additives
zero artificial colors
natural supplements
zero artificial flavors
holistic natural fresh meals
made according to aafco & fediaf standards
human-grade ingredients
we have changed so many
pets lives

كلبي زوريل كان يعاني من اسهال مزمن، وبعض المرات يخرج دم مع الاسهال. طول المرض معاه وكنت ازور المستشفى بشكل دوري ومع الاسف ولا علاج نفع معاه. قررت اغير اكله واحول حق نوتريوم، خلال فترة قصيرة تحسنت حالت زوريل وبدا يرجع الى حالته الطبيعية. شهيته انفتحت وصار ياكل بانتظام، رد نشيط و صار يلعب ويركض نفس حالته قبل المرض. حتى شعره تحسن بعد ماحولت اكله الى نوتريوم. بعد الالتزام فترة باكل نوتريوم، قلت بشكل كبير مشاكل زوريل الصحية وقلت زياراتي للطبيب كثيرا. تحسنت حالته الصحية بشكل عام وذلك ادى الى تحسن بحالته النفسية ايضا. وزنه ثبت وصار ياكل بانتظام، حتى رائحة فمه تحسنت. شكرا نوتريوم، اكتشفت من تجربة ان افضل علاج لحالة الكلب هو الاكل الصحي، لم تنفع الادوية والزيارات المتكررة للطبيب في علاج زوريل، اكل نوتريوم انقذ زوريل واسترجع صحته وعافيته.
Symptoms: Chronic Diarrhea. Bloody Stool. Upset Stomach.

"My Dog Luna used to have stomach problems since she was very young, I changed her dry food so many times nothing worked, gases , overweight, going to the vet several times every month and lastly she started to have blood in her urine.Until i saw Nutriyum on Instagram and their food changed her life! She is now more healthy her coach is shining, better breathing, no more skin problems, better bowel, no more joints problems now she can jump😍it was something she couldn’t do before . And of course the bleeding stopped immediately after I started the Nutriyum special food for Luna. Thank you Nutriyum for saving Luna’s life💞she loves you very much"
Symptoms: Severe stomach problems. Gases. Overweight.

تجربتي مع نوتريام و نوتري-هيل كانت اكثر من رائعه كالي عندها مشكله بالكبد لذلك لازم تمشي على نظام غذائي معين. اخصائية التغذيه شافت تحاليل كالي و صممت لها الوجبات بالاضافه للمكملات الغذائيه اللي تحتاجها. و كل فتره يصير اعاده تقييم للحاله و تغيير بعض المكملات اذا فيه حاجه للتغيير. صارلنا سنه تقريبا مشتركين مع نوتريام ولا مره تأخرو بتوصيل الوجبات او كان فيه مشكله الحمدلله. اليوم ماشاءالله صحة كالي ممتازه و مستمرين على الوجبات و التريت بعد من نوتريام.
Symptoms: Liver shunt.

"Oliver is in love with nutriyum, both the beef and chicken. He is almost 7 months old and had allergies to previous foods, but once we switched, his digestive system is so happy ! he does not get gassy or any upset stomachs. IT IS THE BEST 😍 !!"
symptoms: Allergies. Gases. Distrubed digestive system.

"Since his rescue Loki has had stomach issues. After trying many different medications and many vet visits his condition only got worse. He was extremely bloated and had diarrhea for 2 months. We did an allergy test and contacted nutrium for a custom meal plan. 7imdillah since we started on the custom food his poop is now perfect, with no bloat at all. I even noticed his mood changed from not being uncomfortable anymore. The service is great. May is very detailed in collecting all the information needed. And stays with you until the recipe is perfected with daily updates."
Symptoms: Paralyzed. Severe stomach issues. Bloated abdomen. Severe diarrhea.

"I have always had trouble with Milo’s appetite since rescuing him two years ago … I have tried almost all brands of commercial cat food sold in Kuwait, a raw fed diet, as well as home cooked meals … Milo had never responded well to any. Things took a 360° turn when I started giving him ‘Nutriyum.’ For the first time in two years, Milo looks forwarded to his meals, his coat is as shiny as ever, his dandruff has substantially decreased, and his overall health is noticeably better. When Milo was facing health concerns, the ‘Nutriyum’ team stepped up to make a specialized diet for Milo, that significantly aided with the symptoms he had been facing. Not to say that the delivery is super fast and the food arrives in clean, perfect form. I would strongly recommend ‘Nutriyum’ to anyone with a furry friend !"
Symptoms: Appetite issues.

"Thank you so much for the recipes and the nutritional powders! Leo loves his food and always finishes his plate. With his previous diet, he never used to finish his food and we had to hand feed him to make sure he gets the full quantity. Also with his previous diet he used to itch and bite his skin which caused irritation and in some places his hair stopped growing. Now with the new nutritional diet, his fur is starting to grow and glow with almost no itching and no irritation. Not to mention his odor also is much more pleasant than what it was. Thanks again and we will definitely need more."
Symptoms: Extreme itchiness. Bold spots in his fur. Irritation. Never finishes his plate. Very bad fur.

"Drake is a picky eater and I always struggled with finding the right food for him. He would always have soft stool, vomit or suffer from stomach aches regularly. I ordered the beef and chicken super meals and he devoured them. Ever since that’s all I order for him to eat. His stools are way better, he doesn’t shed as much and no more stomach aches! Thank you Nutriyum ❤️"
Symptoms: Picky eater, Soft stool, Vomit.

"My dog Antar broke his paw in 3 places and needed surgery to place screws. After recovery he kept lifting his paw and walking on all threes till he tried Nutriyum Homeopathic therapy. Now he is running on all fours and is more energetic than before. Thanks Nutriyum! Antar is more energetic, playful jumps everywhere and even eats better! ❤️"
Symptoms: Broken paw surgery.

"When Luna got sick I started to research about how food is just as important & that’s when I got introduced to Nutriyum. I decided to contact Nutriyum and after sharing lunas history/medical file they created a custom meal plan just for her. She’s been on it for almost a year. Her health, fur and overall behavior has improved. Even tho she takes her medication I truly see the difference thanks to Nutriyum. During the transition Nutriyum would regularly check on Luna and would always be there to answer any of my questions or requests. Not only do they provide super meals but a great support system as well. Thank you so much Nutriyum!"
Symptoms: Hypothyroidism. Spleen. Anemia. Bald spots.

Why nutriyum ?
We are definitely not you're average "fresh pet's food company". NUTRIYUM was initially founded by a pet nutritionist who dedicated her life to provide the best quality of life for our fur babies using the nutrinional and healing power of natural fresh cooked food.
Here's From Where You Start

"my puppies licked their whole bowl clean"
our cat loves the taste and we love the natural ingredients
Oliver is in love with nutriyum, both the beef and chicken
"my dog jumps with excitement whenever she sees the nutriyum packaging"
my boy's fur is soft and silky
If you are struggling with your pup's weight management and you see those fatty rolls or just skin on bones, we got you!
Let us be part of your dog's healing journey and deal with that annoying itchiness and the endless vet visits through our BACK ON TRACK consultation program.
don't miss out on our amazing offers !